Nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley, Fremont is the ideal place to live, work, and play. The city takes pride in its diversified globally connected economy where businesses find great success and residents are afforded a high quality of life.
We are home to every size of business, from startups to Fortune 500™ companies.
900 companies make stuff in Fremont
23 % of the jobs in Fremont are in manufacturing
50+ million square feet of office/R&D/industrial space
9+ million square feet of commercial space
#1 for tech startups per capita in the country
27 miles to the Port of Oakland
Innovation is in our DNA
1.4 in every 100 Fremont residents holds a patent
600+ venture-backed startups in Fremont
$7 billion in funding received by Fremont startups
Questions? Contact Matt Senekeremian [email protected] or call 510-795-2245.
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Copyright Fremont Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved.
39488 Stevenson Place, Suite 100, Fremont, California 94539
Phone: 510/795.2244 | Fax: 510/795.2240 | [email protected]